I am Katerina Meccano
I am a graphic designer, illustrator and surface pattern designer based in the UK.
I spread my time between marketing and branding projects, as well as my passion for illustration. As a true artisan, when I'm not in front of my computer, I can be found painting, sewing, knitting and even weaving - basically anything creative. With over 25 years' experience in illustration, design and print, as well as branding and web, I know the right questions to ask, ensuring any message is correctly communicated to your audience.
To help bring nature, the environment, and humanity back to health.
My journey is a simple one: to help others communicate their truth, as clearly and as colourfully as their own-nature intended.

Get in Touch
Please fill out the form on the right or email me directly at katerinameccano@gmail.com
(Please check spam folders for my response.)