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Katerina Meccano Profile Photo

Ciao, sono Katerina, una freelance, grafica e illustratrice che lavora con clienti a Hitchin, nell'Hertfordshire. Uso la mia creatività per aiutarti a comunicare in modo efficace con i tuoi clienti.

Lavoro come grafico nel settore creativo da 25 anni e ho una vasta esperienza in un'ampia gamma di settori. Il mio portfolio comprende logo e design del marchio, visual merchandising, stampa e marketing digitale, brochure, packaging, campagne stagionali, fotoritocco,  illustrazione e grafica animata. Che tu sia una piccola impresa o un'impresa che festeggia il suo 35° anniversario, sono qui per aiutarti a realizzare i tuoi sogni creativi.

paint, paintbrush, pencil and drawing material


Using both hand and vector illustration styles, I produce illustrations to enhance your business communication, adding personality and reinforcing your brand identity, from feature illustration on packaging design, marketing assets and social-media content. 

leaf pattern design


I love to create patterns combining hand illustration and digital painting. My designs have featured on packaging for Osprey London and I have collections for wallpaper and fabrics available with Spoonflower. Creating a bespoke beautiful pattern is a challenge I relish. 

logo designs positioned on pages


Brand identity builds the relationship between your business and your audience. It communicates personality, tone and essence, as well as memories, emotions and experiences. In collaboration with my client, I work on concepts before creating assets such as logotypographycolour palette and image library to represent the brand’s own personality. In addition to the standard business cards and corporate stationary, I will also  develop a set of visual brand guidelines,

Mac computer with page layouts


Great marketing engages people based on their wants and needs, and any awareness and satisfaction they have about a product, service or brand. Effective graphic design inspires and informs your audience, making this a critical element leading to business' success. Comfortable working either alone or alongside your in-house creative team, I will collaborate to create the perfect material for print and digital – from brochures and mailers to web assets and motion graphics.  

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